Monday, September 30, 2024

Forever echoing through the canyon: Remebering Kris Kristoifferson

 Country music is a beloved genre of music but not eveyrone (surprinsgly) loves the genre. However, there are very few artists who come around once in a lifetime that trendsends the genre and whose lyrics are raw, emotional and timeless. That man was Kris Kristofferson. Kirsotfferson was country's answer to Bob Dylan in terms of poetry and expert songcraft. Furhtumore, Kristofferson was a pioneer in the Outlaw Country movement of the 1970s with lauded company including Willie Nelson and Waylon Jennings. Kristofferson was born on June 22, 1936 in Brownsville Texas and grew up as an air force kid frequently relocating with is family. Eventually setteling in San Mateo, California, Kris grauduated Pomona College with a degree in creative writing and went on to attend Oxford Univeristy as a Rhoads Scholar. Kris was scheduled to start work at West Point academy teaching English but before accepting, he decided to take a 2 week leave in Nashville. Good thing he did. Once settled in Nashville, he paid his dues working and writing songs. After a brief time away from Nashville, Kristofferson returned to word of mouth praise thanks to friends like Johnny Cash. With that endoursement in mind, Krisoffereson started wroking on his self titled debut Kristofferson. While lauded by critics it tanked comerically. The album was the birth of his incrdible songwriting icluding tunes like "To Beat The Devil", "Best Of All Possilbe Worlds", "Help Me Make It Through The Night" and of course the immortal "Me And Bobby Mcgee" which became Janis Joplin's only #1 hit . After Kristofferson,  he followed up with 1971's The Silver Tongued Devil and I and spawned hits with "Loving Her Was Easier (Than anyting I'll ever do), the title track, and the fan favorite "The Pilgrim-Chapter 33." Later in the decade, Krisoffereson starred in Martin Scorseses Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore  (1974) and of course his breakout role alongisde Barbara Streistand in 1976's A Star Is Born in which he won a Golden Globe. In the 80s, Kris teamed with fellow freinds Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings and Johnny Cash to form THe Highwaymen.  

Kristofferson made country poetic. He was able to push against the norm of what country lyrics could be. He marched to the beat of his own drum. He was the definiton of a cosimic cowboy. Rest easy Kris. Legends don't die, they fade away. In Kristoffereson's case, fading away is ironic. His legacy will live forever. 

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